Pakistan’s Hidden Scourge on Christians

How the Lord is rescuing families from brick yard slavery.

Pakistan’s Hidden Scourge on Christians
August 16, 2024 Bruce Peppin
In Middle East

Living in freedom is beautiful! But living in slavery is a horrible evil, and it’s growing in Pakistan.

We had no idea of the epic levels of slavery and suffering of Christians in Pakistan until we heard about this from our Pakistan ministry leader. It is a hidden scourge that most in the western world don’t know exists.

There are 20,000 brickyards that enslave up to 2 million Christians!

Christians are a permanent underclass in Pakistan with no access to good jobs or bank accounts. When an emergency happens they are often forced to borrow funds from Muslim brickyard owners. To pay off the debt the entire family must move to the owner’s brick yard and start making bricks.

Due to meager wages, high interest rates and fraudulent bookkeeping, they can never pay off their debt leading to generational slavery. There are grandchildren still paying off the debt of their grandparents!

But the Lord is dramatically rescuing these Christian families from brick yard slavery!

The Christian family (pictured) was recently rescued from slavery through Uncharted Ministries’ efforts working with our ministry leader in Pakistan.

Ahmad, his wife Maryam, and their 7 children are now living in freedom! He is holding the document that declares his debt has been fully paid. Ahmad had been enslaved for over 30 years, ever since he was a young boy.

A shocking part of the story is the small debt these Christian families can never pay off — typically between $700 – $1000! 

Once a family is set free they benefit from an extensive follow up program that includes housing, food, clothing, medical treatment and a micro business. Ahmad picked a “motorbike rickshaw” business which is a common means of public transportation. The motorbike rickshaw will provide him the means to support his family.

Ahmad’s family is the 21st family that has been freed from slavery through our partnership efforts in Pakistan!

May the Lord continue to deliver many, many more!

If you would like to help our rescue ministry in Pakistan, please click on our “Support Us” tab. Under “Purpose” scroll down and click on “Pakistan” and your funds will be directed there.

We are grateful to our generous champions (donors) who support this crucial work and break the chains of generational slavery! 

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners…” – Isaiah 61:1