Iran and Empty Mosques

Did you know the fastest growing sect in Islam is neither Sunni nor Shiite?

Iran and Empty Mosques
July 21, 2023 Bruce Peppin
In Middle East

Did you know the fastest growing sect in Islam is neither Sunni nor Shiite?

Did you know the fastest growing sect in Islam is neither Sunni nor Shiite? 

Shockingly, Islam is experiencing disfavor with young Muslims and agnosticism is being embraced with the under 30 age group. In Iran, over 60% of the population is under 30.

Also, many Iranians are turning to Jesus Christ in spite of the dangers they face. The numbers are so large that this nation could be at a crucial turning point.

Consider this important statement made by an Iranian cleric earlier in June 2023:

“A senior Iranian cleric says around 50,000 of Iran’s 75,000 mosques are closed, showing the declining numbers of Iranians attending. Expressing regret over the low numbers engaged in worship, Mohammad Doulabi said ‘that the numbers are a worrying admission for a state built around the principles of Islam.’” (

Tom Doyle from Uncharted Ministries says, “It’s part of a broader trend. There’s just not that general excitement, that fervency to spread Islam that we saw when we started going to the Middle East 25 years ago…”

He went on to say, “Muslims in the Middle East are not only turning away from Islam. Many are turning to Jesus. With this powerful move of God sweeping across the world, I believe we are living in the second greatest generation of the church; the first being the early church.”

How encouraging it is to think about living during “the second greatest generation of the church!” The Lord has divine assignments for each of us to influence others, especially Muslims, for Him.

Here are some action steps you can take:

  1. Pray regularly for the people of Iran and other Middle Eastern countries who are disillusioned with Islam. May they discover Jesus Christ and commit their life to Him.
  2. Become educated about Shia and Sunni Islam to understand this important religion and the people who follow it.
  3. Ask God to lead you to a Muslim seeking spiritual answers and establish a friendship with him or her. You will find many ways to offer a quiet or direct testimony of Jesus to them. Due to cultural sensitivities, friendships should be man to man and woman to woman.
  4. Encourage your church to develop a heart for showing the love of Jesus to the Muslim community around them. Organize a group to pray, learn about Islam and prayer walk around mosques and other Muslim gathering places. Ask your pastor to pray for Muslims from the pulpit. The Lord is preparing the hearts of Muslims to respond to the love of Christ demonstrated by His people.
  5. Eat at Middle Eastern restaurants where Muslims go to enjoy a meal.
  6. Be friendly to Muslims when you see them in public. They may pass you in the grocery aisle, be serving you in a checkout line or at a restaurant. A smile goes a long way. Recognize them as you walk by and even have a short conversation with them.
  7. Contact Uncharted Ministries about holding a SEEN GATHERING at your church. It is a dynamic seminar where you will learn about Islam, the people, the culture and God’s love for Muslims. And then…you will hit the streets in a Muslim area to show the love of Christ to the those you encounter and report back on your experience. It is a life-changing event. For more information go to

Let’s pray together for the continued work of God throughout Iran and the Middle East.

Heavenly Father, 

What remarkable news to come out of Iran! You are moving in the hearts of the people in that important nation and across the Middle East. Countless numbers are seeing Jesus in their dreams beckoning them to come to Him. The underground church is growing as fast per capita in Iran as anywhere in the world. May this be the time of massive spiritual breakthroughs as eyes and ears are opened to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. While the spiritual warfare is intense, You are overwhelmingly more powerful than the “spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12). Protect the believers who are there worshipping You in these persecuting nations and increase their numbers exponentially. Reach the younger generation of Muslims as many are agnostic or even atheistic due to the harsh religious life they experience. Thank You for all that is happening in Iran and the Middle East for the gospel. For the salvation of countless souls we pray. Amen.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12