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June 8, 2022 Bruce Peppin
In Refugees

Malik was a slave in the cruel brickyards of Pakistan.

He was told he would always be a slave and there was no hope for anything else. That is, until Jesus intervened.

Malik and his family woke up day after day knowing that if they didn’t make at least 1000 bricks by sundown, there would be harsh consequences. Beatings were a way of life. 

How could this happen? Desperate Christians like Malik who are steeped in debt indenture themselves to a brick yard owner who will loan them money to cover emergency expenses in return for making bricks. Sadly, due to high interest rates and fraudulent bookkeeping, their debts are never paid off. It is common for grandchildren to still be enslaved paying off the debts of their grandparents. It often becomes multi-generational slavery for families.

Rain or shine, 40° cold or 115° heat, illness or injury―Malik and his family still had a quota of bricks to make, and no excuses were allowed. Malik did this for 30 years.

But today was different. Malik and his entire family were rescued from slavery!

Salman, the Uncharted ministry leader in Pakistan, bravely led a small team to meet with the Muslim slave owner at the brick yard. They brought the money to pay off Malik’s debt along with legal documents to be signed that officially granted his release along with his family. 

With incomprehensible joy, Malik and his family left the brick yard once and for all to live in freedom!

After their rescue, Malik, his wife, and 5 children were provided with supplies, clothing, a place to live and follow up to help them re-enter society.

In conversations with Salman, Malik had told him he had a dream to sell produce from a vegetable cart and believed he could make a living for his family with enough income to live independently and thrive. Malik was right!

Within a few weeks, the family gathered with Salman to dedicate Malik’s vegetable cart to the Lord. Their hearts were filled with gratitude and hope as they saw the produce piled high symbolizing the abundance of what the future held for them. 

Generous friends of Uncharted contributed the funds for their rescue, a new living situation and a vegetable cart filled to overflowing with produce.

Salman believes that there could be as many as one million Christians trapped in slavery at the 20,000 brick yards scattered across Pakistan. Christians are a persecuted as an underclass and have limited education and access to funds. But that’s changing! 

At Uncharted, we are called to be a part of the rescue team that Jesus has sent to set His people free!

Want to join us on the rescue team of your Pakistani brothers and sisters in Christ?  Click here. Under “Purpose” scroll down to “Pakistan.”

Malik’s debt was paid in full and canceled. He and his family are free, never to return to slavery. 

And isn’t that exactly what Jesus did for us?

He forgave all our sins, by canceling the record of our debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the Cross.

Colossians 2:14

Bruce Peppin for The Uncharted Team